In our disposable society, the lifespan of average objects is short. Everyone who ever walked into a thrift shop had seen, for example, shelves full of mismatched plates and cups, doomed to eternal oblivion and neglect. The Salvation project aimed at giving these humble objects a new life. We assembled varied ceramic pieces into large and sumptuous compositions, fusing them together with a high-tech adhesive. Inevitably, each object was a one-of-a-kind piece. A collection of 50 objects was exhibited in New York City in 2000.
In early 2002, Marcel Wanders had made a surprising offer to include Salvation stacks into the catalogues of his company Moooi. We had to find a way to combine the idea of serial production with infinite variety of unique objects. In essence, the project became a series of design guidelines for selection and assembly. The assistants at Moooi searched for plates, cups, and other components at flea markets in Holland, and assembled them by hand at the company.